How Well Do You Know the Legendary Wolves?

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The Legendary wolves quiz take this quiz if you dare and if you are part of the legendary wolf fam/ a fan so if you think you know a lot about the legendary wolves take this quiz.

After the quiz please give feed back on this quiz and give ideas for more quizzes. I hope that you enjoy this quiz. -KittywolfYT, ItsSavagecutness, ItsAmandawolfxoxo.

Created by: Kitty of My youtube channel
(your link here more info)
  1. What color is kitty's hair?
  2. How many people are in the legendary wolves?
  3. What year did the legendary wolves make there channel?
  4. What do these mixed up words spell IStacvueeanssse?
  5. Is the pic on this quiz the real legendary wolves logo?
  6. How many Youtube channels does the legendary wolves have?
  7. Do the legendary wolves have tik tok?
  8. How many legendary wolves have or used to have a Samsung tablet?
  9. How many personal Youtube channels does Amanda have?
  10. Which of these games does the legendary wolves play?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know the Legendary Wolves?
