What Element Wolf Are You?

Heard of element wolves? They have their own unique personalities. Take this quiz to see which one you are most like. Don't like the results? Take the test again!

People misjudge these magnificent wolves, though their powers could be rather destructive. Score a good, friendly wolf, and when you've finished, comment!

Created by: marie
  1. You have your choice of desserts. Which sounds better?
  2. Your lost in the wild with your friend and have nothing to eat. But then you see a rabbit hopping about. Eat it or let it be?
  3. A doctor says you have two days to live. What will you spend that time doing?
  4. What's your favorite music type, or close to it?
  5. 95% of teens would cry if they saw the Jonas Brothers at the top of a skyscraper about to jump. Are you in the 5% that would shout jump?
  6. What's your favorite hobby?
  7. Pizza or chinese?
  8. Do you support animal abuse?
  9. Do you get out much?
  10. Are you popular? Be honest?

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Quiz topic: What Element Wolf am I?