How well do you know the last episode of icarly

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There are many people who watch icarly but have they watched the last episode, find out if you know what happened in the last episode of icarly, you can start if you want

There are many people who watch icarly but have they watched the last episode, find out if you know what happened in the last episode of icarly, be smart and watch the last episode if you have'nt

Created by: Gabriella2

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where did carly and spencer want to go together when he became sick?
  2. Who came carly's house when she was frustrated about not going to the dance ?
  3. Who gave sam a motorcycle?
  4. Who appeared at their house to the suprise of carly to take her to the dance?
  5. Where did the person that took her to the dance wanted her to go with him ?
  6. Did carly follow him?
  7. Does Gibby think spencer is Carly's dad ?
  8. Do you think you watched the last episode of icarly?
  9. Are you dying to see your results
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the last episode of icarly