how well do you know The Krew

Do you know the Krew? If you do how well do you know the krew? This quiz will tell you. You will be given 10 questions, yes it is a right or wrong quiz.

If you don't know the Krew check out their channels, ItsFunneh, GoldenGlare, DraconiteDragon, PaintingRainbows, and LunarEclispe. ARE YOU A PLEB? Enjoy!

Created by: Sujata
  1. who is the oldest sibling?
  2. what is Rainbows real name?
  3. Who was the first sibling to start making youtube videos?
  4. How old is Funneh?
  5. Which of the krew drew the charity live stream picture
  6. How many subscribers does Funneh have?
  7. Does Rainbow wear glasses?
  8. Who is not in The Krew?
  9. Where does The Krew live?
  10. When does Funneh make a video?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Krew
