How well do you know the hunger games book series?

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There are many people who watch a movie and say they know everything the hunger games books will present! Take this test to see if you really know everything about the Hunger Games!

Do YOU think you know everything about the Hunger Games series? Would you know everything that was going to happen when re-reading? Would you be waiting in line with a jumbo popcorn for the movie? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Abigail
  1. Who is the male tribute from district 2?
  2. How did Peeta die?
  3. Who is Anne Cresta?
  4. What are the names of Katniss and Peeta's kids in the epilogue?
  5. Who gave Katniss the mockingjay pin?
  6. How did Peeta find out Katniss was acting in the first book?
  7. Who killed Clove?
  8. Why did Katniss hate Johanna at the start?
  9. Which game maker was killed for letting Katniss and Peeta both live?
  10. Who was Katniss' stylist?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the hunger games book series?