How well do you know the Harry Potter books and movies

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This quiz I put a lot of hard work into and i hope you have fun playing it. This is only my third quiz so please stand by for mistakes. I know that some of you already know how much work is put into making good quizzes.

Check out my other two quizzes the official emoji quiz and The animal club quiz on Gotoquiz and be on the lookout for more by MurfyPurfy. Please comment down belo whatyou thought and rate this quiz. :)

Created by: MurfyPurfy
  1. What is the lowest OWL
  2. What is Aunt Marges favourite dog called?
  3. In his second year how did harry get to school?
  4. Harrys mothers maiden name was
  5. Harry has three close friends (his age)
  6. When did Albus Dumbledore die?
  7. how many weasleys are there?
  8. what was hagrids temperary pet dragon called?
  9. in his what year did hagrid get expelled
  10. how many names does dumbledore have in total?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the Harry Potter books and movies
