Harry Potter Quiz!

This is a basic Harry Potter quiz that I made because I was bored and because I am a huge fan as well. I hope you have read the books and watched the movies because some of these questions can be difficult!

I hope you paid very good attention to the books and movies because you're going to need those details! I hope you like this quiz and remember to leave comments! I love reading them!-Lexi : )

Created by: lexi_0620
  1. How many books are there?
  2. Which Weasley family member died?
  3. Who does Harry end up marrying?
  4. How many staircases does Hogwarts have?
  5. Dumbledore has a scar above his left knee that is a perfect map of what?
  6. Ginny Weasley bought a pet Pygmy Puff from her older brothers' joke shop. What did she name it?
  7. Who owns the Hog's Head Inn?
  8. When is Harry's Birthday?
  9. What did Harry do with the money he won at the Triwizard Tournament?
  10. Who did Harry take to the Yule Ball?
  11. What is the name of the plant that Harry uses in order to breathe underwater during the Tri-Wizard tournament?
  12. Who is Harry's godfather
  13. When the Dursleys told Harry about his parents' deaths, how did they say they died?
  14. Which is worth more?
  15. Who does Harry use Sectumsempra on?
  16. When playing quidditch, how many points is the Snitch worth?
  17. Who destroys the last Horcrux
  18. When Is Ron Weasley's Birthday?
  19. Ok it's over. How do you think you did?

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