How well do you know the famous singer Taylor Swift?

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This Quiz is about if you are a Swifty or you just listen to Taylor Swift's songs. If you think you are a Taylor Swift fan, you don't know until you take this Quiz.

As a kid (I'm still a kid but it sounds cool) I loved Taylor Swift (and I still do) And her songs. Everyday I want to listen to her songs. After this Quiz, I hope you do to!!!!

Created by: Amber
  1. What is Taylor's favorite color?
  2. What is Taylor Swift's full name?
  3. When and where was she born?
  4. Is Taylor Swift a talented painter?
  5. What is Taylor's lucky number?
  6. what is her hair color?
  7. Did you like this Quiz?
  8. Do you like her?
  9. Do you like pizza?
  10. Do you want more quizzes like this?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the famous singer Taylor Swift?
