How Well Do You Know The Dragons Of HTTYD?

How well do you know the dragons of How to Train Your Dragon? Are you a complete dragon nerd and learn everything you can? Or are you bored with this whole thing let's just get this over with already?

Now, you need to know this. Some of these questions are very obvious. And some are rrrrrggggh i cant get this right. Please don't have a temper tantrum because you didn't get one right. And now, with that said, let's get on with this.

Created by: Lightningskrill
  1. This dragon has many silver plates, shoots spikes, and has blue fire.
  2. This dragon was once known as "the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself."
  3. This dragon is the TRUE offspring of lightning and death itself...
  4. This dragon is the offspring of a Night Fury and Light Fury
  5. This dragon changes color based on its mood.
  6. This dragon is used as training for hunters in Race to the Edge and was almost hunted to extinction.
  7. This dragon has rain-resistant fireballs and can blast water.
  8. This Strike class dragon has fur-like scales and can summon hailstorms. One of my personal favorites.
  9. This Sharp Class dragon does not have fire. Instead, it fires a blazing blast of hot air that lights the enemy on fire!
  10. This Stoker Class dragon is allergic to its own poison! They often roll around in dragonberry bushes to scratch their itchy skin.
  11. This dragon has poison scales. They are immune to Deathsong amber.
  12. This dragon can fire blasts of amber that trap other dragons.
  13. This dragon wears an odd jacket. It lights itself on fire. This "flame jacket" is a warning. Keep away!
  14. This dragon can shoot poisonous spikes from its tail and has the hottest fire out of any dragon.
  15. This dragon has small wings and eats rocks, then shoots them out as lava!
  16. This dragon has four wings and an owl-like face. The most famous individual, Cloudjumper, was Valka's (hiccup's mom) dragon.

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know The Dragons Of HTTYD?
