How well do you know the anime "Death Note"

Have you ever watched death note? Did you enjoy it? If so, this quiz is for you! This quiz is to show death note fans how much they know about one of there favorite animes!

Do you wonder how much you know about Death Note, well here you can find out! Just take a few questions, and you'll know just how much you know about the grand anime, "Death Note"!

Created by: Kaylin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Let's start easy! Who is Kira?
  2. What does "Kira" mean?
  3. Who is the smartest detective in the world?
  4. What is the Shinigami's name that followed Light around?
  5. What is L's real name?
  6. Who is L's caretaker?
  7. What is one of L's famous quotes?
  8. What does SPK stand for?
  9. SPOILER!!!! What did L die from?
  10. What did L drop when he died?
  11. WHOS THE BEST CHARACTER!!! (Pick the first one....)
  12. What does L love?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the anime "Death Note"