How well do you know Survivor?

There are many fans of the show out there! But have you ever wondered ' How well do I actually know the show?' Take this quiz to find out if you know some of the memorable moments from Survivor!

Survivor is an exciting show that I'm sure has a lot of fans! But it also has a lot of seasons and castaways and it's hard to remember them all. This is the time to prove how big of a fan you are!

Created by: danisnotonfire

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who hosts Survivor?
  2. Who was the first person to ever win Survivor?
  3. What was the first season in which the castaways were divided by gender?
  4. In which season of Survivor was the hidden immunity idol first introduced?
  5. Who was the only survivor to be voted out with 2 hidden immunity idols in his pocket?
  6. Who is the only survivor to win twice?
  7. Which season of Survivor was won by Rob Mariano aka Boston Rob?
  8. Which survivor is famous for their flirtatious way of playing the game?
  9. Who was the only survivor to be voted out first twice?
  10. What was the first season of Survivor in which the castaways were divided into 4 tribes?
  11. Which survivor is famous for revealing that he is a formal federal agent?
  12. What is the place where jury members are sent to, after being voted out, called?
  13. Who was the only survivor to quit twice?
  14. Which survivor is famous for giving up the immunity necklace and then being voted out?
  15. Which survivor is considered to be the most notorious villain to ever play the game?
  16. Which survivor got voted out after giving a hidden immunity idol along with a letter to Russell?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Survivor?