How well do you know Sundew?

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This is a How well do you know Sundew quiz! Think Bumblebee. SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO(sorry I love Bumblebee) Anyways, Enjoy my quiz!

Once again I give credit to the artists I use the art of. They are so amazing and they truly do something that I could never do. Thanks again! -OrbWeaverTheHiveWing

Created by: OrbWeaverTheHiveWing
  1. What was Sundew's first line she ever said?
  2. What is the thing Sundew despises at first, then (Maybe?) Comes to love?
  3. Who does Sundew love? (Shipwise)
  4. What is Sundew's last line?
  5. Who is Sundew's mom?
  6. Who is Sundews dad?
  7. How many siblings does Sundew have?
  8. What tribe is Sundew? (If you get this wrong I WILL STRANGLE YOU)
  9. Who are the most likely distant relatives of LeafWings, SilkWings and Sundew?
  10. What animal does Sundew mention hating?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Sundew?
