How well do you know Sleepless??

This quiz is designed to test how much you know about the book Sleepless.It is an amazing book. You have to read the book to pass, so if you haven't then go away. This is my frist quiz please excuse any mistakes.

Be careful when reading the questions and make shure that you understand what they are asking. Some are pretty tricky. So, do YOU know Sleepless????? Have fun, BEILEVE and Good luck!!

Created by: Katie
  1. Sleepless was written by...
  2. The main charecter's name is...
  3. Sleepless was originaly going to be named...
  4. What genere is Sleepless
  5. What ability does Coral have?
  6. Who is Dan Delvin?
  7. Where does Trinity know Kiri from?
  8. Sleepless is told in...
  9. What quote is from Sleepless?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Sleepless??