are you emo?? byahhhhh

terrified your taste in music could be leading you down a dark path? do you spend sleepless nights awake worried about it?? DISCLAIMER: The writers of the firm hired to continue the questions after the other people had been sacked, wish it to be known that they have just been sacked. The questions have been completed in a entirely different style at great expense and at the last minute.

worry no more! anne is here to save the day!! take my quiz and worry no longer!! "Be quiet! Englishmen, you're all so f---ing pompous, and none of you have got any balls."

Created by: anne of anne's super terrific website
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Emo originated in what decade?
  2. What is your current hairstyle?
  3. If someone punches you in the arm, you...?
  4. Emo music is characterised by...?
  5. Emo music originally came from what kind of music?
  6. What are your favourite kind of glasses?
  7. How many times a week to you cry?
  8. How tight are you pants?
  9. How many months a year do you wear a scarf?
  10. Have you ever drawn a tear on your face?
  11. Which band do you like best?
  12. Do your bangs make a diagonal line across your forehead?
  13. What do you like to do in your spare time?
  14. What does emo mean to you?
  15. What color best describes your state of mind?
  16. The glass is...?
  17. Your parents...?
  18. Do you wear a wrist band?
  19. How many times have you had your heart broken?
  20. Why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I emo?? byahhhhh