How Well Do You Know SiIvaGunner?

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This is the quiz about the higest quality video game ripper known as SiIvaGunner who unfortunately went to sleep over two years ago now so other characters have taken over

This quiz is so nice >:] I hope that you enjoy this grand quiz with a sprinkle of Snow Halation as we're gonna have a gay old time. flintstones meet t.

Created by: Wood Man
  1. Which of these is a joke on the channel?
  2. Who won the SiIvaGunner King For A Day Tournament?
  3. Which one of these is not a newcomer in the SiIvaGunner King For Another Day Tournament?
  4. Who likes to build brown bricks in Minecrap?
  5. What was the final rip uploaded before SiIvaGunner (character) went to sleep?
  6. Who is the main villain of the currently ongoing series? (as of 2019)
  7. What is the name of the on-going series? (as of 2019)
  8. Who sacrificed himself to save Snow Halation?
  9. What is the most uploaded rip on the channel?
  10. Who took over the channel during Christmas 2018?
  11. Why was the channel taken down from January-February 2019?
  12. What was the name of the original channel?
  13. Which one of these games did SiIvaGunner make up?
  14. What is the worst show on television?
  15. What joke is banned on the channel?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know SiIvaGunner?
