How much do you know about Inspector Gadget 2015?

Are you new to this fandom, or are you a hug fan? Or you're just bored because we're on hiatus? Try this quiz right now! Maybe you'll answer them all right.

The rules are just simple. Just click the letter of your best answer. Just pray to Talon and you'll be fine. May the Go-go gadget force be with you...

Created by: sassygadget
  1. When did the reboot made its first debut?
  2. Inspector Gadget is a Canadian-American CGI-animated television series produced by...
  3. The first season of the series is directed by...
  4. What is Inspector Gadget's most popular catchphrase?
  5. What is the name of the first episode of Season 1?
  6. Who is this new character, and he is known as Dr. Claw's nephew.
  7. Who voiced Penny in the 2015 series?
  8. What is MADcat's gender in the new series?
  9. How old is Penny and Talon?
  10. How did Talon managed to free his Uncle from an iceberg?
  11. What did Talon call Penny in the first episode?
  12. Talon's commonly used weapon is a...
  13. Penny's holographic tablet is called a...
  14. Commander MADhail is a/an...
  15. In this episode, Gadget meets his old partner, a young detective who joined the dark side.
  16. Inspector Gadget's old College room mate.
  17. A mistress in disguise with a strange taste of fashion.
  18. (The answer above) tries to kidnap...
  19. What is the name on Slickstein's invention/presentation?
  20. Penny's best friend who gab all the time.
  21. Penny is allergic to...
  22. What episode did Talon disguised himself as a woman (for the first time)?
  23. On the episode "The Gadgetator", who holds the title of the world championship belt?
  24. A red headed girl who Penny befriends with.
  25. Who are the guardians of the Helmet of Thought?
  26. Brain's international name is...
  27. What are Talon's international names?
  28. Chief Quimby's German name is...
  29. Who's party was held on the episode "MAD Soaker"?
  30. She is HQ's archaeologist and was turned into a baby by Talon.
  31. It is Malicious' German name.
  32. The international pop-star whistler
  33. On the 18th episode, Brain turned into a...
  34. "Since we're not making this alive Penny, I just want you to know that..." -Talon
  35. "Hello! It's nice to meet you! Welcome to..." -From the episode A Penny Saved
  36. Who is Gadget's date on "We Heart Gadget"?
  37. Penny and Talon's favorite ice cream flavor?
  38. "Ice cream, a (), sunset and a ()ride on the park. It's not the worst () to spend with a girl I totally ()." -Talon from We Heart Gadget
  39. "I'm just a tiny little bumblebee. (), ()."
  40. Is Penny wearing a belt?
  41. How long is Penny's hair when untied?
  42. How many hours did Talon spend from doing his hair?
  43. What is the name of Gadget and Penny's Russian counterpart?
  44. On the 1st episode on the 3rd season, Talon tries to steal a...
  45. Chief McFibber is from...
  46. The HQ (answer at no. 45) has been closed in the past...
  47. The next episode of Assistant Chief McFibber is entitled...
  48. On that episode, Gadget went to Australia and protect...
  49. What kind of plant/s does Penny have?
  50. What did Talon put on Penny's peppers?
  51. A device/s Professor Von Slickstein used to clean his lab.
  52. HQ opened on the year...
  53. The two nations are called...
  54. Who is the keeper of the teacup of harmonious harmony?
  55. The Weed Wacko has a fear of...
  56. The best quote for Weed Wacko.
  57. Who did the voice of the Cuckoo Clock Maker?
  58. What is the name of the king in the episode "Fayre Game"?
  59. Talent Show Off is a spoof version of...
  60. Get Smarts is the spoof version of

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Inspector Gadget 2015?

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