How well do you know Shakespeare

How well do you know Shakespeare? Great or not so great. Everyone is welcome. Also the Globe is awsome. I watched Much Ado About Nothing there! Hsppy Quizzing!

Disclaimer: some of thesse might be wrong. Please just go with it because I am tired and my legs hurt from being a groundling. Sorry again for wrong things!

Created by: Bugy
  1. What is his most famous play?
  2. What play is "To Be Or Not To Be" from?
  3. What play is "Oh if I were a man! I would eat his heart in the marketplace" from?
  4. What is "Though she be but little she be fierce" from?
  5. Is the "Merchant Of Venice" a real play?
  6. Is "Many Times" a real play?
  7. When did he die?
  8. What is "What fools these mortals be" from?
  9. Where does the quote "Out dammned spot out I say" belong?
  10. Is "Star Danced" a real play?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Shakespeare
