How well do you know Shailene Woodley

Let's see who can get a perfect score! I'm sure there are some people out there who know a lot of things about the AMAZING Shailene Woodley! I made this quiz so people can see who much a true fan they are to Shailene!

ARE YOU A TRUE FAN OF SHAILENE WOODLEY? If you think you are take this quiz and be sure about it! There are a lot of true fans out there but let's see if you are one of them? 😏

Created by: Tfios_fandomss
  1. What is Shailene's middle name?
  2. How many siblings does Shailene have?
  3. What year was Shailene born in?
  4. What nickname does Shailene prefer?
  5. How old is Shailene?
  6. What month was Shailene born in?
  7. Why did Shailene cut her hair?
  8. What is the movie Shailene is working on now?
  9. Which character does Shailene play in Divergent
  10. Did Shailene meet Jennifer Lawrence yet?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Shailene Woodley