Who are you in the fault in our stars?

Admire toy I thought the book was better than the movie, but there are few who can replace shayleene Woodley! Who are you? Come take the quiz to find out!

Do you have the personality of hazel? The quirks of Augustus? Mabey you have some issac in you! Don't worry you won't be Peter ! Bc every one hates Peter !

Created by: Evangeline29

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is faveorite out of these male fictional characters ?
  2. If you had cancer do ou think you would survive ?
  3. Do you think you could be issacs girlfriend?
  4. Who is faveorite author?
  5. Out of these actors who is your faveorite?
  6. What is faveorite book/ series?
  7. What is your faveorite color ?
  8. If you could be any character who would it be?
  9. How long did it take you to finish this book?
  10. Did you like the book?
  11. Did u like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the fault in our stars?