How well do you know RuneScape melee weapons?

RuneScape is an internet based game where you can roam a large world full of dangers and excitement.There are many skills to master and many things to look forward to.

Sadly, too few low level players know about the wonders of high level weapons. Just because you don't have the level to use something doesn't mean you shouldn't learn about it! There is much to discover. Do you know enough about RuneScape melee to fight like a pro?

Created by: deviationanonymous

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the first kind of metal weaponry unlocked for new players?
  2. What level is required to wield Rune weapons?
  3. With a high enough smithing level, it is possible to smith Dragon metal weapons. True or False?
  4. Dragon armor and weapons are member's only items, requiring level 60 attack or strength to wield. True or False?
  5. What type of weaponry do you unlock at level 40 attack or strength?
  6. When you reach level 70 attack, you unlock what kind of weaponry?
  7. Most 1 handed weapons require the appropriate level in the Attack skill to use. What skill do 2 handed weapons require?
  8. Which of the following Nex armors is for Melee?
  9. There is a melee weapon dropped by Nex, in the God Wars Dungeon. True or False?
  10. You have reached level 90 attack. What weapons are now available to you?
  11. Godswords, are swords from the God Wars Dungeon. Their hilts and blade parts are dropped by the Generals of Bandos, Armadyl, Saradomin, and Zamorak. True or False?
  12. Corrupt Dragon, Barrows, and Drygore weapons all degrade after a certain amount of combat. True or False?
  13. In Deamonheim, it is possible to get weapons requiring level 99 in attack or strength to use. These weapons can be used on the surface, as well as in dungeoneering. True or false?
  14. What is the maximum level you can achieve without the use of potions?
  15. What monster drops Drygore weapons?
  16. Although the damage may be slightly different, all drygore main-hand weapons have the same accuracy rating. True or False?
  17. When training the Dungeoneering skill, you acquire tokens that can be spent on rewards. What level 80 weapons can be bought with these tokens?
  18. Any degradable weapon can be repaired. True or False?
  19. All melee Barrows weapons, are 2 handed, and have different skill requirements. True or False?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know RuneScape melee weapons?