Are you a noob on Runescape?

I wanted to make this quiz because I like runescape and i wanted to make a dun quiz for other runescape players to enjoy. I also thought it would be fun.

This is may not be very acurate because i am not an expert but it may give you an idea of if you are a noob or not. Don't be hurt if you dont get a great outcome.

Created by: Sophie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What levle are you?
  2. What armour do you wear? (If you wear two types put the one to wear the most.)
  3. Are you a member?
  4. How do you make money.
  5. How much money do you have?
  6. If a levle 3 came up to you and asked for 1k, would you give it to them.
  7. Do you have a skillcape?
  8. What is the highest levle creature you have ever killed?
  9. Have you ever been banned or muted?
  10. Do you think you are a noob?

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Quiz topic: Am I a noob on Runescape?