How well do you know Rebbeca Speckle?

Take this quiz to test your knowledge on Rebbeca Speckle. Use evey bit of your brain to figure out these questions! (See your result at the end)!!!!!!

Please do not get frustrated over some of these questions, this is supposed to be a fun test about Rebbeca Speckle! Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Hannah
  1. How old is she?
  2. What is her friend's name?
  3. Did she have any friends before she met her current friend?
  4. Does she like sports?
  5. What is her middle name?
  6. Is her friend female or male?
  7. Does she like burgers?
  8. What is her weight?
  9. When's her birthday?
  10. Does she have braces?
  11. What are her sibling's names?
  12. What is her zodiac sign?
  13. On her dress there is some writing. What does it say?
  14. Does she eat with her mouth open or closed?
  15. What colour is her dress?
  16. She has a black circle over one of her eyes. Which one?
  17. What type of animal is she?
  18. What is her mum's name?
  19. What is her dad's name?
  20. Are her mum and dad happy together?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Rebbeca Speckle?

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