How Well Do You Know Percy Jackson?

This is a for fun Percy Jackson quiz, the first question is nearly impossible but I do hope you like it anyway, Pls leave a smile and show your friends! can they do better than you?

Can you do really well on this quiz? I bet more than half of you will not be able to get the first question correct! I Really do hope you enjoy it and hope you have a great day!

  1. In the Titans Curse, The group asks Bianca who the President was, but when they asked who the President before him was, she said "Franklin Roosevelt" Which was wrong. So who was the president that President?
  2. In HoO Leo recognizes Nemesis's symbol, which was...?
  3. What type of monster was Kelli?
  4. True or False: Can Herme's Caduceus turn things it touches to stone?
  5. Who was the Counselor of the Aphrodite Cabin before Piper?
  6. Which president mentioned is a son of Athena, according to Percy?
  7. When did Thalia get Aegis?
  8. How are Jason and Thalia related?
  9. Legion 12's motto is Fulminata. But what does it mean?
  10. The Elder Gods made a pact to not have children. Was this removed after Percy saved the day in the Last Olympian?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Percy Jackson?

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