Which Percy Jackson Female Character are you?

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Hello! My name is Kyriaki or Sundy and I am a fangirl! I love Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Divergent. So, I created this quiz for every Percy Jackson's female fan.

Are you as clever as Annabeth? As brave as Clarisse? As charming as Piper? Or you are most like Thalia and Bianca? Also, you may be like strange Rachel! Take this quiz to find it out!

Created by: kyriakig

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are...
  2. You live...
  3. Your father/ mother is...
  4. Choose your weapon
  5. Your power is...
  6. You are...
  7. Your boyfriend is...
  8. In your free time you...
  9. You prefere to wear...
  10. You want to be...

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Quiz topic: Which Percy Jackson Female Character am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Characters Quiz category.