How Well do You Know Once Upon a Time?

I love once upon a time and oviosly so do you or you wouldnt be taking this quiz! You could conciter your self a fan and never know the truth, or take this quiz and know for sure!

Are you a real fan? Or are you just saying that? Well in a couple min. you will find out! Just remember to comment on the wat out and have a lot of fun!

Created by: Jess
  1. Do you think that you know everything about ouat? ( Once Upon a Time )
  2. Does the girtl who plays Elsa have an accent in real life?
  3. Will Belle fid out about the dagger?
  4. What pet did malifacent have?
  5. Does Regina have any siblings?
  6. Why was Aroura always going to that firey underworld in her sleep?
  7. What is Mary Margret's boy baby's name?
  8. Who was really peter pan?
  9. How long were Anna and Christof frosen?
  10. How did the earn containing Elsa get to storybrooke?
  11. Lastly, when did Snow have Emma
  12. Awesome please comment rate

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Once Upon a Time?