What OUAT character are you?

Once Upon a Time is an American fairy tale dramatic series that premiered on October 23, 2011, on ABC. The show takes place in the fictional seaside town of Storybrooke, Maine, whose residents are characters from various fairy tales transported to the "real world" town and robbed of their real memories by a powerful curse. Episodes typically feature a primary storyline in Storybrooke, as well as a secondary storyline from another point in a character's life before the curse was enacted. It's basically the best show ever! Oh, and you can watch it on Netflix too
Fans of OUAT - hopefully this will give a good indication as to who you'd be, if you were one of the OUAT characters. Obviously, no one could possibly replace Jennifer Morrison, Ginnifer Goodwin, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas, Jared S. Gilmore, Robert Carlyle among others!