How well do you know nya?

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Just go for it buddy : this is my first quiz pssst I don't think its great comment any tips for me below thnx so much 2nd paragraph coming below and again tnx

Ninjaaaagoooooo! Are you with me! Such a good catchphrase niñja-go don't you get it! I made this in 1 hour such a long time for a tiny quiz I know I hope you enjoy this

Created by: Nya
  1. What was Nya before she was a ninja
  2. What element does Nya have
  3. Who DID Nya like I mean luv hint not jay
  4. Which series did nyà unlock her true potential
  5. Did Jay ever ask Nya to marry him
  6. What colour robe does Nya have in the pilot series
  7. Who wanted to marry nya bad guy
  8. Who is nya's brother
  9. Does nya like the colour red more or the colour blue
  10. Oñ jày añd nyas first date does jay turn into a snake

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Quiz topic: How well do I know nya?
