How well do you know NumberBlocks?

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Numberblocks follows the adventures of cute block characters in Numberland, with the number of blocks determining which numeral they stand for and a tiny black floating number above them to show how many blocks they are made of, which they call a Numberling.

Hello, Please take this quiz if you think you know a lot about numberblocks! Reminder, this is my second quiz ever! So, make sure you read your questions and answers properly.

Created by: Quizmaker19
  1. What colour is seven?
  2. Who is the “party square”?
  3. Seven is unlucky. True or False.
  4. Nine is a super rectangle. True or False
  5. Which square hates round things?
  6. Which episode did ALL the NumberBlocks sing “More to Explore”?
  7. Is 18 a “speed machine”?
  8. How many 7s are in 21?
  9. What color is three?
  10. What shape is 15?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know NumberBlocks?
