How Well Do You Know Norbit?

Many people have seen the movie but do you know the movie? This is a quiz to see how much you know the movie Norbit. Can you handle that? This quiz will see if you can.

Do YOU know Norbit? I hope you do cause if you don't you will get a bad score. Are you up for the challenge? I hope you enjoy this quiz!!! Bye everyone.

Created by: cupcake101

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where does Norbit grow up?
  2. Who was Norbit's buddy at the orphan?
  3. Kate and Norbit...
  4. Did Kate and Norbit get married (at age 6)?
  5. Did Kate get adopted?
  6. How did Norbit meet Rasputia?
  7. How long did Norbit and Rasputia date?
  8. What part of the chicken did Norbit get?
  9. When Rasputia gets in the car she...
  10. Dose Norbit see Kate at the puppet show?
  11. In the end does Norbit marry Kate.

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