How well do you know NEONI's music?

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I looked to see if there were any quizzes like this. There weren't. So I had to make one. This is to see how well you know the pop/rock star NEONI. Let's see! The next paragraph is about them, btw.

NEONI is a duo of a two sisters, Caitlin and Sidney Powell. They have been making music since the ages 9 and 12. Don't read the rest. dhheheh rhfurhfuhg eh h.

Created by: quiz_lover3456
  1. For these questions, you need to choose what song it's from. "All the kings horses and all the king's men, couldn't undo all the damage I did."
  2. "Like a picture in a frame, wish we could have stayed the same."
  3. "Do you wanna meet all my monsters?"
  4. "I'm more like a land mine. Hear the click click when you find out it's time."
  5. "Hello, come in. Welcome to the freak show."
  6. "Down, down, into the abyss. Down, down, my stomach flips. Oh, wow, I split my lip."
  7. "Lights they flicker and the candles glitter like you're in a thriller, heart goes pound, pound, pound."
  8. "Quiet, quiet, you're gonna start a riot."
  9. "My eyes locked up on the clock. Both hands moving too fast but never fast enough."
  10. "I've got Freddy, Freddy in my mind."
  11. "Seeing monsters out your window I know you can't sleep, you pretend though."
  12. "As I lay me down to sleep. Hope someone's watching over me."

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Quiz topic: How well do I know NEONI's music?
