How well do you know mylpspetworld?

So, you think you know everything about mylpspetworld right? WELL LETS SEE ABOUT THAT! I will quiz you to prove it. This quiz has hard and easy questions.

Lps tube is a community on YouTube, and a lot of people play these plastic toys shaped like different animals. Its a very popular community. :D :D :D :D

Created by: Cat
  1. lets Start easy: whats her mascot?
  2. True or false: she used to have an old channel called lpspetworld
  3. what was her first ever video?
  4. Who is her best friend on YouTube?
  5. Last question: does she like potatoes?
  6. JK! Now, lets do more shall we?
  7. Whats her fav number
  8. Does Dopey like doughnuts?
  9. True or false: Dopeys family used to live in the sewers
  10. Does she like Taylor Swift?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know mylpspetworld?
