Would You Rather?

As there are a lot of Would You Rather (WYR) quizzes out there, I figured that I might as well do one! This is the quiz, and I really hope that you like it.

Would you rather do this or that? This quiz gives you questions like this , some hard and some easy, and lets you answer them. The results...shall stay secret!

Created by: Marieke
  1. Would you rather paint your bedroom your least favourite colour or your parents' favourite colour?
  2. Would you rather have to listen to a fan for ten years or have your lights switched on as long as you live?
  3. Would you rather stay on this website as long as you live or have a never-ending phone call from the person you hate?
  4. Would you rather be called Claudette or Tatienne?
  5. Would you rather kiss your best friend or your enemy?
  6. Would you rather kill your best friend or yourself?
  7. Would you rather be stuck in an eternal Science class or a PE class?
  8. Would you rather live in your least favourite country for the rest of your life or have your favourite try to kill you?
  9. Would you rather have a lifetime diet of peas or mashed potato?
  10. Would you rather become the ruler of your country or be forced to move to another, better country?

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