How well do you know Minecraft

Are you a Minecraft veteran? Find out how much you know about Minecraft by answering 10 simple questions. I know a lot about Minecraft. I wonder how much you know.

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Created by: Historian senior
  1. What is the first thing you do when starting a new world?
  2. Out of these which is the best standard for tools/weapons and armor
  3. What mob spawns in villages
  4. What is the Minecraft logo
  5. What mobs scare away creepers
  6. What is a the best pet to bring into a battle with you
  7. What was the original version of minecraft
  8. What is the strongest armor In Minecraft
  9. How do you beat the game
  10. How many iron golems does it take to kill a warden

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Minecraft
