How well do you know me?

I made this quiz because I'm tired of wondering who listens to me when I talk.and I figured this would help. plus its just plan old fun..its qustions about me personally. so if u don't know me and think u can guess tha answers. go right for to see how u scored. if u do know me, or think u do. please take it so u can see tha results.

do you know Steph? Think you do. then take few minutes to find out. if not take few, to explore my world. I'm tha ruler, might let u in my land. if ur worthy. Lets find out chumps.

Created by: stephanie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what's my middle name?
  2. what color is my favorite?
  3. what's my favorite drink?
  4. what nickname from childhood stuck?
  5. my favorite addition ?
  6. what's my hair color naturally ?
  7. what did I always wanna be when I grew up?
  8. what time day was I borne?
  9. who do I want to merry,when we give eachother rings?
  10. what boy baby names I like?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?