Do you like nerds?

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Hey people who are interested in i dont know um stuff! check out how much you like nerds! by the way some of the answers you get by the end MIGHT be wrong but oh well!

Wanna know how much you like nerds? well guess what now you get to see! i made this quiz cause i personally like bad boys as well nerds! see how much you acctually do like nerds!

Created by: Applez123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are u smart?
  2. Do nerds bug u?
  3. Do u follow the rules?
  4. Have u ever had a boyfriend?
  5. Ever failed a class?
  6. Are you bored of this quiz?
  7. Its almost done!
  8. Haha you fell for it! What do you think?
  9. Ok two more questions! Then i'll be gone how does that sound?
  10. Last question! Did u like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I like nerds?