How Well Do You Know Me?

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Richard Paul Astley (born 6 February 1966) is an English singer who has been active in music for several decades. He gained worldwide fame in the 1980s, having multiple hits, including his signature song "Never Gonna Give You Up", "Together Forever" and "Whenever You Need Somebody".

He returned to music full-time in the 2000s after a 6-year hiatus. Outside his music career, Astley has occasionally worked as a radio DJ and a podcaster.

Created by: Madfell
  1. What is my name?
  2. What is my favorite color?
  3. When is my birthday?
  4. What’s my zodiac sign?
  5. What’s my natural hair color?
  6. What color do I paint my nails?
  7. What year did I graduate high school?
  8. What was the first instrument I started playing?
  9. Which pet do I have?
  10. What is my pet’s name?

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