How well do you know MCRDU?

This is a short quiz to see how much you know about the show MCRDU. There are 18 questions. This is a short quiz so I don't really have anything to say. So, random letters:

Jrhebxnxkieuyrgehabbsmskehrgnsbdbdjrgywk acdndjrjebdnhejsbdjejsnjdjd qwertyuiopsdfghjklzxcvbnm nvcgjgnhgd jkhfyjdhfjejdjjdndndjjfhfjdjjjdjdndbbdndnndhdjjdjdjndnd

Created by: Roblox person
  1. Who found Hide?
  2. Who does Figure love?
  3. How did Jasmine get in the hotel?
  4. How old is Neko Seek?
  5. Why did Neko Seek really make friends with Figure?
  6. Who are the two entities that Neko Seek almost killed?
  7. Who was the first entity to find Seek-chan when she comes to the hotel?
  8. Why did Seek-chan lose the fight against Hide?
  9. How did Rush die?
  10. What did the void look like after it transformed the first time?
  11. What is the name of Misleading Light's bodyguard?
  12. Where did Misleading and Void land?
  13. What color are Guiding Light's eyes?
  14. Who is Guiding Light's daughter?
  15. Why did Figure fight Hide?
  16. Who is the 'shadow' in Misleading Light's prophecy?
  17. How did Snare die?
  18. Who killed Neko Seek's Spirit?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know MCRDU?
