How well do you know Maximum Ride?

Do you know a lot about Maximum Ride? This quiz is awesome. You will learn how much of a fan you are and possibly learn some new things. If you don't gt a good score, don't feel bad!

So if you think you could do great, test yourself! Really think! Come on, you'll do great! It will be challenging. I put some questions in that were just little details. Good luck!

Created by: Storm
  1. What's Max's real name?
  2. Does Fang die?
  3. Who wants to be the leader so bad, he/she tries to kill Max?
  4. Who is Max's mom's name?
  5. Max has ______ dna
  6. How many half-siblings does Max have/had?
  7. How much human DNA does max have?
  8. Can Max and the flock fly?
  9. Which of Max's half siblings died?
  11. Other people Qs start now. What can Iggy do?
  12. Nudge can:
  13. How many powers does Angel have?
  14. What's Iggy's real name?
  15. In which book does Fang NOT kiss Max?
  16. Total the dog.....

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Maximum Ride?