How well do you know little women?

Hello! I wanted to let you know that this is another quiz for comprehensions. There is a film and book about Little Women,and if you want to explore this series,pleases check out,Little Men,Good Wives,and Jo’s Boys all written by Louisa May Alcott! Good wives is a sequel! You can read them!

Enjoy the quiz! ‘Ku$$***^)$$@@*89976}}}#((;;()$+&8%#:]]{}:;,()))))$$*^%%(?!&&++*^^77544}(((;;;;;;(((;:]22332468kiu##%%##()***^^**********99

Created by: Aurora
  1. Which March sister has a passion and burning ambition for writing?
  2. Who was the rich boy that lived next door and proposed both Amy and Jo only to be accepted by Amy,(I feel like this is obvious),and his grandfather?
  3. Please fill in the gaps …was left home and couldn’t buy a ticket to go to a…
  4. The rest of the questions are “fill in gaps” questions so answer very carefully and honestly. Jo is a… Amy is a… Meg is a… Beth is a…?
  5. …burned……?
  6. Laurie calls Jo…? Jo calls him…?
  7. Select the careers. Here is what I will do:I will give you a hint,and you will guess each sister’s careers. Warning:May be stressful if you aren’t specific. Here it is basically:Amy is an… Hint:Begins with an A. Jo is a… Hint:Something to do with someone’s manuscript,begins with W. Meg is a good… Hint:Something related to drama. Begins with an A. Beth is a… Hint:Something to do with stay at home and mom. Basically,link those ideas(stay at home and mom) together,and see if you can guess.
  8. Now moving on to true or false at last! True or false. Select the correct answers. Jo wants to be an artist?
  9. True or false. Amy hates fashion?
  10. True or false. Beth is a sweetheart?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know little women?
