How well do you know Liopleurodon

Are you a genius at Liopleurodon? Take this quiz and find out! This quiz tests you on where it lived, its prey, etc. So do you know? Take this quiz and find out!

How well do YOU know Liopleurodon? There is a debate about Liopleurodon. All of this is only my opinion. Thanks for taking this quiz! Tell me in the comments about what I'm wrong.

Created by: Atlantic
  1. How big is Liopleurodon?
  2. What was its main opponent?
  3. How much was Liopleurodon's bite force?
  4. How much did Liopleurodon weigh?
  5. What are the only two things that can kill a Liopleurodon?
  6. When did Liopleurodon live?
  7. Where did Liopleurodon live?
  8. What did Liopleurodon prey on?
  9. What was its largest prey and how big was it
  10. What was the company that made Liopleurodon 82 feet and 150 tons

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Liopleurodon