How much do you know about Barn Owls?

Do you have a love of birds, or just birds of prey, or even more specific, OWLS? Just take this quiz and see how much you know! If you like this quiz, leave a comment and I'll make more about more owls and maybe other birds of prey. Do you have what it takes to be a BARN OWL?

To be a Barn Owl genius, all you have to do is press the button and get on with the quiz! I know that everyone has a desire to learn about how much they know, so take this quiz about Barn Owls!

Created by: Owls Rock

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okay, do Barn Owls have good hearing?
  2. What do Barn Owls eat?
  3. What color are barn owl feathers?
  4. Are Barn owls endangered?
  5. Are there many different names for a Barn owl?
  6. I am running out of thing to type so changing the subject (these will not count against your score)
  7. My pet budgies laid two eggs!
  8. Do you enjoy Barn Owls, do they have loving personalities?
  9. Oh yea, the last question did count against your score!
  10. This is the last question!
  11. Did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Barn Owls?