How well do you know Keeper of the Lost Cities?

How well do you know the Keeper of the Lost Cities books? This quiz is not that hard so as long as you have read them you should get a very good score.

There are only 10 questions in this and they are not really related to the plot, they are just random details. After you finish, please rate this and recommend it to your friends. Good luck!

Created by: SmartGiraffe
  1. What colour are Fitz’s eyes?
  2. What is the name of the male alicorn?
  3. What are Dex’s triplet siblings names?
  4. Who says “There’s no reason to worry”?
  5. What is Keefe’s dad’s name?
  6. What colour are Sophie’s eyes?
  7. Which of these is not an elf food?
  8. What is the name of Sophie’s stuffed elephant?
  9. What is Tam and Linh’s surname?
  10. What colour is Sophie’s backpack?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Keeper of the Lost Cities?
