How Well do You Know ItsFunneh and The Krew?

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Hello I am going to be showing you if your a true FunnehFan or not so uh… dis is mah first quiz hope you enjoy it now no ones is reading this huh? Welp guess not

Hello blah blah stuff just like school I bored so don’t know why your taking this test and stuff but idrc so I dunno why I’m doing this anyways I hope you enjoy

Created by: EmmieGacha
  1. 1. Who is ItsFunneh?
  2. Has she done a face reavel (this quiz was made on 12/16/18)
  3. Who is the oldest is the Krew?
  4. What are the Krews real names?
  5. Who is the youngest in the Krew
  6. Who gets along the best in the Krew?
  7. Who says, ‘Good for you… good for you… GOOD FOR YOU!!!!’
  8. Who says ‘ALULULULULU’
  9. I have to do 1 more question
  10. You are free

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know ItsFunneh and The Krew?
