How well do you know itsfunneh?

This is an Itsfunneh quiz!!! you will take this quiz to know how well you know itsfunneh! Please subscriber to her and like her vids because She does amazing vids!!! its almost to amazing if you know what i mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't know who itsfunneh is, what are you doing here? if you wanna take this quiz, watch itsfunneh to get information about itsfunneh then take the test! if you know who itsfunneh is, the come up to my itsfunneh quiz!!!!

Created by: Angela
  1. What was the first game that itsfunneh played on her youtube channel?
  2. Atleast homany subs does she have? (any millions) (November 2018)
  3. Does she play Fortnite?
  4. Whats itsfunneh's real name?
  5. Does she have a crew? If its right, then tell what the crew us called.
  6. Where does itsfunneh live?
  7. Whats itsfunnehs birthdate?
  8. Is itsfunneh Funny? (very but very easy question)
  9. What hat does itsfunneh wear? (Roblox)
  10. Whats Itsfunneh hair color?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know itsfunneh?
