How Well Do You Know Icarly?

This is a quiz about who really knows icarly bestalot of people don't really like icarly but I do. If your not a big fan then go watch some icarly shows and come take the quiz. If you think you are a big fan of icarly then great your ready for the quiz. This quiz is kinda easy and some questions are hard but like I said if you really like icarly and know everything about it then you don't need to stress out. I hope you pass or get at 90% and up. Enjoy and make sure you take your time guys and girls .. Because some questions are kinda hard !!

If you get a 30% and down you need to watch more. If you get a 50% or 80% you kinda know about icarly. And if you get a 90% and up then you are a big fan of icarly :).

Created by: quiya
  1. Does sam and her mom get along?
  2. Has "icarly" ever been changed in any episode?
  3. Has carly ever caught feelings for freddie?
  4. What catches carly's room on fire?
  5. In what episode did carly say " I wish you were normal "
  6. Did freddie and his mom always get along?
  7. Did freddie and sam kiss or date ?
  8. Why did sam and freddie kiss?
  9. What happend to freddie when he got all that bad luck?
  10. ( last one ) do you think your going to get a 90% or up on this quiz ?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Icarly?
