How much do you know iCarly?

What is knowledge? Is it what makes people who they are? Is knowledge what makes a squirrel eat a nut? Knowledge is many things, quite known as an important asset in the world we know as life.

Do YOU know iCarly? Do you know the weirdness, characters, animals, etc. in iCarly? Until now, you can only wonder. But now in just 2 minutes you can find out by taking this quiz.

Created by: dana
  1. Who plays Carly?
  2. What is the kids NICKNAME that is always sick that attends Carly, Sam, and Freddie's school?
  3. What is Freddie's mom's name?
  4. What is the name of the school AND mascot at their school?
  5. What is the name of the school AND mascot at their school?
  6. What is the name of Carly's brother?
  7. What is the principle of their schools name?
  8. This is hard. When Sam and Carly and Freddie try to break a world record for longest webcast, what color was on Carly's grandad's socks he wore?
  9. What is Carly's last name?
  10. What is the doorman in Carly's apartment named?
  11. How does Lewbert get away from his long lost love?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know iCarly?