How well do you know healthy foods?

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Mf---cnfkf---f eld h flc โ€ฆ. Well in the quiz here we will make sure u know not to eat drdsed tjfje skgntnejcjrnakfnyjcjrnwkcjt fjr w git rieisnfntntjdjbnq t

Mfmtktnf fmfnfkrjrkrrjnfkffjfjjfjfjtjtjrfjjfnrnr joke quiz fkf---fjrkrkkrmrrmmf this wuiz is moslt fake nfnfjffnfnfncnfmfkfjfjfjfjfjffjjfjffnnfnffnnfdnffnfnfnfnf

Created by: Petunia >~
  1. Pick the healthy food out of the following
  2. Pick the healthy food
  3. Pick the unhealthy food
  4. Pick a food that gives you energy, but itโ€™s not healthy
  5. Healthiest beverage out of the following?
  6. Healthiest emoji?
  7. How often should deserts should be eaten?
  8. Healthiest food?
  9. Pick the healthiest
  10. Last question!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know healthy foods?

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