How well do you know harvest moon?

Lot's of people love Harvest moon, but are they true Harvest Moonies? Haha, moonies... Ummmm yeah I can't really be bothered to put anything else to get over the minimum limit

Are you a true Harvest Moonie? (Chuckle) Take the quiz to find out! Mr T: Take the quiz Fool!!! Haha, who doesn't love Mr T? A FOOL! Damn minimum word counter...

Created by: Alice

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In many Harvest Moon games, there is a girl who works on a farm with Vesta and Marlin. What is her name?
  2. What is Lumina's Grandmother's name?
  3. There is a theif in Forget-Me-Not Valley. What is his name?
  4. Kai visits the Valley and Mineral Town every...
  5. In Harvest moon, can you marry the Harvest Goddess?
  6. Harvest Moon: Island of...
  7. What colour is Nami's hair?
  8. Ann is the daughter of...
  9. Which is a correct couple? (If you didn't marry any of the girls)
  10. Who is a mermaid?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know harvest moon?