How well do you know Harry Styles?

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Who else thinks Harry Styles is kind of adorable? Just me? Aww. You must be taking this cause you like me or it’s featured on the front page. Or maybe you searched Harry Styles and this showed up.

So you think you know him? His style, his life, his music, his love? Take this to get credit for all that knowledge you hide in that head of yours. Or just take it cause your bored. I don’t care. Please rate and comment. I need to level up. Oh and sorry for the randomly placed questions. I just thought of them and put it there. Love you!

  1. Hello
  2. Do you listen to Harry Styles music?
  3. Have you seen his movies?
  4. How many movies has he done? (Up to 2022)
  5. How many albums has he released as a single artist? (As of 2022)
  6. What was his first album called?
  7. Where was he born?
  8. How many music videos has he put out?
  9. How many singles has he sung? (As of 2022)
  10. What was his first song?
  11. Did Harry Styles write a song for any of these people?
  12. When did he release his first song?
  13. How old is he in 2022?
  14. Which of these bands did he start of on?
  15. What’s his accent?
  16. Which of these awards did he win?
  17. Should I keep going?
  18. I’m sorry. That’s the end!

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Harry Styles?
