How Well Do You Know Harry Potter?

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Ravenclaw-level wits are required to take this quiz, for it is no small feat. Try to succeed and you may. But you are going to have to know far more that how to spell Wigardium Leviosa to conquer this quiz!

Do you have what it takes? These are the hardest of the hard questions, after all. I mean business. You have to have spent long hours watching and reading about the wizarding world to ace this quiz.

Created by: SallySnape

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What were the full names of Harry Potter's kids?
  2. True or false: Lavender Brown dies
  3. Snape's patronus...
  4. What about his last words?
  5. Since we are so Snape obsessed, what was his father's name?
  6. Who does Fred Weasley marry?
  7. Ok, so then George Weasley marries...
  8. When is JK Rowling's birthday?
  9. Albus Percival Wulfric________ Dumbledore
  10. What is Dumbledore's boggart?
  11. Neville found out he was a wizard because...
  12. Why did the actor playing Dumbledore in years 1 and 2 disappear?
  13. The actor playing ________ spilled a milkshake in Alan Rickman's new BMW

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Harry Potter?